If you’ve ever thought about getting a German Shepherd, it’s likely that you’ve been confronted with the straight back German Shepherd vs. sloped back German Shepherd debate.
We’ll cover the back type of the original breed standard as well as why breeders decided to steer the breed in another direction and whether or not that was a good decision.
Also, it’s important to see what breed experts, vets, and breeders around the world have to say about this issue and its related health ramifications.
After all, the high heritability of health crises such as hip dysplasia in GSDs has been studied for decades already.1
Do All German Shepherds Have Sloped Backs?
Sloped or roach-back German Shepherds are not the only back type. However, they’re not exactly rare either.
The German Shepherd with a sloped back wasn’t bred alongside the original type with a straight back.
On the contrary, it was bred after the original breed type was established in the early 1900s.
Sloped back German Shepherds were promoted by influential breeders.
To this day, it’s not exactly clear who started breeding this type of dog but as always, if there’s demand, then there’s supply.
Some people fell in love with the posture and gait that the German Shepherd with the curved back has.
However, the real question is whether or not you should fall in love with the curved back. Let’s start by examining the motivation behind this new breeding type which was…
*Drum roll please*

Although breeders tried to spread the word about the many health benefits of the German Shepherd’s newly achieved proper gait, it’s nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
Furthermore, the new back type was even harmful to the breed.
It’s not quite known who exactly started this type but many potential owners and so-called German Shepherd breeders were attracted to the new look.
Many loved the new gait in the show ring as well as the overall look of the German Shepherd roach back and the unnatural stance the dog now took due to the lowered hind legs.
What is the Old Fashioned Straight Back German Shepherd?
German Shepherds with straight backs are the original breed type. Their back forms a straight line. This appearance resembles the wolf.
They’re called “old fashioned” because the German grandfather of this dog breed established them this way and especially working lines have been bred to resemble that type ever since.
Is the Straight Back German Shepherd Better?
The German Shepherd with a straight back is usually considered superior to the sloped back type as it affects their posture and movement.2

Health benefits.
German Shepherds were bred with straight backs to be active, agile, and healthy helpers on farms and for various other activities.
What they needed was a robust dog breed that didn’t come with lots of health issues.
Sadly, this changed when the new version was introduced because the sloped back German Shepherd is much more prone to joint issues, hip dysplasia, and many more health issues related to the unnatural back.
Adding to that, Max von Stephanitz who was the grandfather of the breed heavily advocated for the straight back when he created the breed.
He’s not the only one though.
Animal rescues, dog breed experts, and vets around the world prefer the straight back for just these health reasons.
It’s crucial to avoid getting sucked into thinking that it’s okay to breed some type of dog with poor health just because we like the looks.
It’s peculiar that the AKC breed standard explicitly mentions the following in their breed standard:
The back is straight, very strongly developed without sag or roach, and relatively short.
AKC German Shepherd breed standard3
At the same time, the AKC allows dogs to compete in their shows that do not adhere to this breed standard.
For many years the British KC has been debating the soundness of this development and their position is as follows:
The Kennel Club remains in no doubt that currently, the single biggest threat to the reputation and interest of the breed is the lack of soundness in hindquarters.
This issue of soundness is not a simple difference of opinion, it is the fundamental issue of the breed’s essential conformation and movement.
The Kennel Club4
In short, all the reasons why the straight back German Shepherd is better:
- Studies prove the health benefits of straight backs5
- The dog breed grandfather desired a straight back
- RSPCA condemned Crufts for letting a sloped back dog win6
- The AKC breed standard mentions a “straight back”
- Different conformations affect the posture and movement
As you can see, there are clear reasons why the German Shepherd should be bred with a straight back and there are many reputable organizations backing that assumption up (as should common sense).
Why is it that many people make this a political thing though?
German Shepherd Back Controversy
The owner whose German Shepherd won at Crufts was later criticized by the club as well as the rescue organization RSPCA. The owner stated on social media that she felt like this was directed against her.
Amidst all her confusion on why people were being so mean, she seemingly lost sight of the issue at hand which is the sloped or roach back of her dog.
Supposedly she could deliver proof and health certificates that clearly stated her dog wasn’t sick or suffering from joint issues.
So, does a sloped back Shepherd always suffer joint diseases?
Definitely not.
Will a straight back always be free from any hip or joint issues?
Definitely not.
The fact that this sloped back type is at risk doesn’t mean that the old-style German Shepherd is not, but risk reduction is essential.
Does that mean you should take on the risk of an unnatural gait just because you like the look?
Well, if you want to maximize your dog’s chances for a healthy and long life, then no.
This is especially problematic since German Shepherd mixes are widely spread to give them the (seemingly) best of both worlds.
Breeding with generally healthy breeds like the Husky may result in bad hips nonetheless.
Where Can I Get a Straight Back German Shepherd Puppy?
If you’d like to opt for the old-school German Shepherd back with your next puppy, then a reputable breeder is your best bet.
Although in many regions the sloped back is widespread, it shouldn’t be too hard to find breeders that want to stay true to the original dog breed.
If you’re asking any potential breeder these recommended breeder questions, most irresponsible breeders (e.g. breeding with back issues and not health testing) will be eliminated anyway.
For American buyers, it might be a tad more difficult since the trend in AKC show lines strongly leans towards the sloping back.
German working lines are not free from hip issues though.
Time and time again, I witness responsible breeders turn their back on the German Shepherd breed due to the community that steers it in the wrong direction.
Even if you’re not looking for a true working dog, they’ve been bred that way for a reason. Performing a job.
A healthy and active furry companion will have a far higher quality of life when compared with one that’s been bred to garner champion titles.
Last but not least, I find the sentiment that the sloped back looks superior questionable. In my personal opinion, a weird stance and gait are not at all desirable.
- AVMA Journal via Europe PMC, 1979: Canine hip dysplasia: study of heritability in 401 litters of German Shepherd dogs ↩︎
- Nature.com, 2020: Different conformations of the German shepherd dog breed affect its posture and movement ↩︎
- AKC: breed standard ↩︎
- The Kennel Club via Web Archive, 2010: The Soundness Issue ↩︎
- ScienceDaily study, 2017: Health consequences of selectively breeding German Shepherd dogs ↩︎
- Dailymail, 2016: The worst nightmare of my show life ↩︎
Friday 23rd of February 2024
Why take perfection and mess it up? I have had many GSD's through my life. My last boy suffered greatly with back and hip dysplasia. At 10 years old he had to be carried everywhere (102 pounds). A rotten trick and a big heart breaker. I did everything I was told to help, but nothing did. The way this ends is maybe we refuse to buy sloped-back GSD's..I still tear up at his picture with his soulful face and intelligent eyes and think of the mean trick we have visited on this wonderful breed..
Saturday 18th of May 2024
@Sharon, I Am also Sharon
Like you, I have had GSD's most of my life. My last one was perfect: intelligent, loyal, eager to please and a good pal. There was no health-reason why he did not live long. He was 12 years. when he suddenly he was unable to move on his own. . I think I am a good dog mom. I took him on hikes and to lakes, the ocean (he loved to swim). When I noticed a weakness in his back, I drove 52 round-triip miles so he could engage in the only water therapy I could find. At home we carrried him in a sling made of bed sheets. Aero, his name was Aero.
Monday 2nd of January 2023
Monday 26th of December 2022
True GSD fan here. I've had GSDs my whole life and currently have two. Both are straight backs. Although I agree that the straights are more desirable, the main thing I look for is temperament. And that can vary between show and working lines. My experience has been that the German working lines have the best temperaments and, by extension, typically have straight backs. I take my guys to a dog park twice a day and, by and large, they can out run and out maneuver the slope backs that go there. It seems to me that every time breeds have traits bred into them, i.e., hips, flat faces, smaller size, etc., the health of the dogs suffers. And, btw, any large dog breed can have hip dysplasia. Treat your animal with love and don't let them get overweight.
Vinessa Campbell-Diamond
Friday 11th of August 2023
@Wade, I wish people would stop breeding German shepherd dogs. Just look at the number of dogs in California's heat. Good God people, show some Mery. If you love the breed. Then Rescue.
Thursday 10th of March 2022
Thank you for this wonderful article. I’ve had German Shepherds all my life, the true straight backed. They have been healthy and active family members. I’ve known many, many roaches backs that didn’t have the same outcomes. It breaks my heart that these wonderful, loving and intelligent dogs are being bred in such a way that their lives aren’t as comfortable or fulfilling. I’m so happy to see this brought to people’s attention!
Saturday 12th of March 2022
Hi Lisa, that's awesome so you're a real German Shepherd lover - I'm sure that it breaks your heart seeing them suffer from avoidable medical issues. The only thing you can do is raise yours right, inform people who are interested, and hope more people will be aware of it in the future and do health testing before getting a pup.
Cheers, Danielle
Sunday 7th of November 2021
There's a pdf paper online about the German Shepherd breed and who and how the sloped back was introduced. It has photos of dogs in the breed as the standard changed, names of show judges in Germany who changed what was fashionable, diagrams of joints and angles. Martin was the name of a club president and his brother whose dog was influential in introducing the sloped back. I think my search was "correct breed flaws German Shepherd" or something like that. The point is who changed the breed and how it was done with which dogs is known and detailed in that paper.