We Found a Black Mole On Our Dog – What We Did
Spotting a mole on your dog that seemingly appeared out of nowhere can be really scary. And believe me, when I found one on my six-year-old female Rottweiler, I was …
Spotting a mole on your dog that seemingly appeared out of nowhere can be really scary. And believe me, when I found one on my six-year-old female Rottweiler, I was …
As you soak in the joy of (future) puppy cuddles, remember the challenges that lie ahead. Vet visits, tracking food intake and weights, socializing, and eventually finding forever homes for …
Owning a double-coated dog comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to grooming. The undercoat, responsible for providing insulation, sheds throughout the year, with an increased …
Among a dog’s most powerful tools is the nose which makes identifying changes in their humans a piece of cake. They can track bodies, identify illegal substances, and sniff out …
Whenever your dog devours his kibble with enthusiasm and a speed that would put competitive eaters to shame, it’s natural to wonder whether your dog would ever stop eating. What …
Black spots on dogs can come in a variety of forms. Some dogs have black patches that look as if they’re beneath the skin’s surface, whereas others have noticeable bumps. …
Period cramps are well known among women, often accompanied by mood swings, discomfort, and general unease. Since dogs also go into heat it is not farfetched to believe that they …
The effects of a collapsed trachea can range wildly and may cause extreme discomfort, not only when sleeping but every time your dog gasps for air. First and foremost, it’s …
As our loyal companions age, they embark on a journey that, much like our own, is filled with changes and transformations. This is a normal part of life and can …
You’re two-legged and have just recently welcomed a female four-legged companion into your home? You’ll be faced with a huge roadblock: Your dog’s first heat. Not only will you learn …