So you’re bringing home a male dog with a staggering white coat and are now going through all the possible names.
Normal name lists won’t cut it because for this canine, you need something special.
A name that, upon hearing, just reminds you of snow, calm, or just certain breeds known for their white coat.
I’ve got you covered.
This list features more than 250 white dog names for males.
The feminine canines have to sit this one out because today, it’s all about their male counterparts.
You can find the name list for white female dogs here.
White Dog Names for Males
Abner | Argos |
Admiral | Artemis |
Aiko | Ash |
Alabaster | Ashton |
Albino | Aspen |
Albus | Astro |
Alfie | Atlas |
Altoid | Auberon |
Anjo | Augustus |
Archie | Avalanche |
Arctic | Axel |
Bailey | Blanco |
Baird | Blaze |
Balou | Blizzard |
Bambi | Boba |
Bandit | Brody |
Bay | Bolt |
Beans | Bones |
Bear | Boo |
Beluga | Boots |
Benen | Breeze |
Benji | Brutus |
Benny | Buddy |
Bertie | Buffy |
Blake | Button |

Candide | Cloud |
Carbon | Cloudy |
Casper | Coco |
Ceku | Cody |
Chalk | Comet |
Charles | Conan |
Charli | Connor |
Charmin | Cookie |
Chase | Cooper |
Chico | Craven |
Choco | Cupid |
Cliff | Custard |
Do you know what’s even better than just a completely white pooch?
A white pooch with a stunning name.
Even better, a pooch that actually listens to his name.
Having a proper recall in place has helped me personally in so many situations and I’d advise everyone to teach one and solidify their training regularly.
Check out my recall guide linked below for more information.
Danger | Dublin |
Dazzle | Dude |
Dendy | Duke |
Dexter | Dusky |
Diesel | Echo |
Dogbert | Eddie |
Domino | Erin |
Doogie | Ermine |
Dot | Everest |
Douglas | Ewok |
Falcon | Fluffy |
Felix | Francis |
Fergus | Frank |
Fetch | Frazier |
Fido | Freddie |
Finn | Frodo |
Flash | Frost |
Floki | Frosty |
Gatsby | Gus |
George | Harvey |
Ghost | Herbie |
Gilmour | Hermes |
Gordon | Heron |
Grizzly | Hobbit |
Groot | Hudson |

Ian | Jax |
Ice | Jean |
Igloo | Jett |
Inox | Joey |
Jack | Jon Snow |
Jackson | Jonah |
January | Joy |
Jaws | Juno |
Kai | Kodiak |
Kaizer | Latte |
Kenyon | Leo |
King | Louis |
Kio | Luca |
Knight | Lucky |
Kobe | Ludo |
Koda | Lux |
Marc | Mint |
Maverick | Miran |
Merlin | Mojito |
Messer | Moki |
Milano | Monty |
Milky Way | Moon |
Milo | Morgan |
Milou | Mundy |
Maybe you have a pup selected already and are just waiting full of excitement until he finally comes home.
But maybe you haven’t chosen a breeder yet (or even better, you’re rescuing a poor canine soul) and are checking out breeds.
Well, if you’re looking for names for white dogs, I suppose you’d love to check all the possible breeds, right?
Here are a couple of white dog breeds that are coincidentally pretty fluffy):
- Great Pyrenees
- Finnish Lapphund
- Samoyed
- Siberian Husky
- Dogo Argentino
- Bull Terrier
If you’d like to see the full list, check my article on fluffy dog breeds and head to the section on white dogs.
Napoleon | Odin |
Neo | Oliver |
Nero | Oran |
Newton | Orbid |
Nikita | Oreo |
Nimbus | Ori |
Noah | Oscar |
Nugget | Ozzy |
Pablo | Reed |
Panda | Remus |
Paulo | Rex |
Phantom | Riggins |
Pixel | Riggs |
Polar | Robin |
Prince | Rocco |
Puff | Rocky |
Pumba | Rover |
Q-Tip | Roy |
Salt | Skye |
Sasha | Smoke |
Saturn | Snoopy |
Scout | Spanky |
Scrappy | Sprinkles |
Shadow | Sprite |
Shy | Spud |
Simba | Squish |
Sirius | Storm |
Teddy | Tripper |
Thor | Tyson |
Thunder | Vapor |
Timmy | Vito |
Toby | Vivek |
Tofu | Voda |
Trillion | Volt |
Weiß | Wynn |
Whisper | Yareli |
Whitman | Yeti |
Wilbur | Yoko |
Wilder | Yoyo |
Willow | Yuki |
Winter | Yukon |
Wit | Zac |
Wolf | Zeus |
Teaching a proper recall to make sure your dog actually comes when called is crucial.
Think about all the possible things that could go wrong just because your dog has no proper recall.
Running into traffic, intruding on a stranger’s property, and getting into fights with other dogs.
In general, seeing your dog chasing bikers or animals once he’s off-leash isn’t fun and that’s where the recall comes in (the linked guide teaches you how to teach your dog step-by-step).
Well, that and a little impulse control.
Have fun with your white dog and I hope you found the perfect name for your male canine!
Disclaimer: This blog post does not substitute veterinary attention and does not intend to do so. I am not a veterinarian or pet nutritionist. If your dog shows any sign of illness, call your vet.