Whether you’re already sharing your home with an intact female or you’re thinking about bringing one home, you’ve probably had to deal with the infamous female dog heat.
All of us have certainly wondered whether or not something can be done about the bleeding at some point.
For some dog owners, the bleeding is just a nuisance while others are seriously concerned about their dog’s health.
You might not be able to hold nature’s process just yet, but you can definitely stop your dog from bleeding everywhere in the house and keep them clean.
How To Stop a Dog in Heat From Bleeding
To contain your dog’s bleeding, you can use dog diapers, washable blankets, plan for more potty breaks, and clean the floor daily. Lastly, you can cautiously wash your dog’s private area.
Other than that, there are no natural ways to stop your dog from bleeding.
You can’t even delay the onset of your dog’s estrus without medication and you can’t control the duration your dog bleeds.
My Rottweiler is not exactly an extreme bleeder but she does bleed a lot and I do have some tips for dog owners whose females bleed heavily in heat.
To somewhat control your dog’s bleeding, the doggy diaper will be your best friend.
Secondly, replace everything with washable items such as a dog blanket, bed cover, and so on.
Obviously, it’s best to remove carpets or cover furniture that isn’t forgiving when it comes to bloodstains.
These are just external factors and as mentioned, you can’t really avoid the bleeding in a medical sense.
You do have some control over where and when your dog loses blood in her heat.
Think about your dog’s potty breaks, activity inside the house, and sleeping schedule.
If you bring your dog outside for regular potty breaks, she’ll not only feel better but bleed less inside your house.
Your dog was introduced to the crate and loves it? Another option to stop your dog in heat from bleeding on the floor or furniture.
However, it’s never advised to leave them there purely for this purpose and your dog should be appropriately fed and exercised before going into the crate for a short time.
Try not to encourage switching sleeping places all the time as this will distribute the blood.
Running inside the house without the doggy diaper makes for some nice blood sprinkles on the walls.
Trust me, I found out the hard way.
Can You Stop a Female Dog Period?
No, there’s no way to naturally stop a female dog period, neither can you delay it or influence the length of the bleeding unless you want your dog to be spayed.
Bleeding during a dog’s heat is a natural process and can’t really be influenced in any way (except with medication which might come with side effects).
There isn’t yet a reliable and tested “dog pill” and there are no home remedies to completely stop your dog from losing any blood in her heat.
However, the measures above can really help with limiting where the blood goes.
The only way to stop your female dog’s period permanently is by spaying.
However, spaying your female dog just to stop her heat is not advised unless there’s a medical indication.
Spaying does carry risks. If your dog is not yet fully grown (i.e. under 1.5-2 years of age), spaying is almost never advised due to increased risks for some medical conditions.
That doesn’t mean that every vet will say no.
You might’ve heard about pyometra, and yes, there’s a real risk for that as well as other cancer types.
Please research thoroughly and then decide whether or not investing in doggy diapers and containing your dog’s bleeding is tolerable, or if spaying is the right choice for your dog.
Does a Dog Bleed the Whole Time in Heat?
Luckily, your dog does not bleed during the whole time in heat, but you need to be wary of interested male dogs nonetheless.
A dog in heat’s bleeding can’t be stopped but some only bleed for 7 days while for others, it can go up to 10 days or even beyond.
How To Keep House Clean When Dog Is In Heat
You can keep your house clean with a dog in heat by removing carpets, using couch covers, washable dog beds and blankets, and cautiously washing your dog’s private area if necessary.
As mentioned above, doggy diapers will be your best bet to avoid having to clean the house in the first place.
However, it will happen sooner or later that your dog loses a drop and in that case, just calmly remove the blood quickly to avoid staining.
Don’t ever scold your dog for bleeding in heat since this will have absolutely no positive effect on their behavior, it might only result in a behavioral issue.
Disclaimer: This blog post does not substitute veterinary attention and does not intend to do so. I am not a veterinarian or pet nutritionist. If your dog shows any sign of illness, call your vet.
Lynn Taylor
Thursday 5th of January 2023
Hi, I read your information on a dog in heat and the bleeding. I must say I was surprised at just how much bleeding there is. I called the vet, as this was her first heat and I was concerned about too much loss of blood. My major issue was I was not prepared! I had a houseful of family coming to stay a week for Thanksgiving and it was a nightmare. I cleaned incessantly and I had just started a new job. Wow! I was exhausted. I also sleep with my dog, Lilly, who was 10 mos old this past November. Keeping blood off of the sheets was impossible! She would sleep in the crate but I felt awful making her, so I kept her with me. I tried diapers and I cleaned, cleaned, cleaned! I was hoping to hear of other tips. For sure, I will be better prepared!
Thursday 5th of January 2023
Hi Lynn, I totally understand, I was a bit surprised myself, especially when my dog was in heat the first couple of times and I didn't know the cycle yet which caused quite the surprise as she went into heat while visiting family. Check with your vet if you suspect a medical issue but other than that, reusable doggy diapers with quality cotton pads are my best tip.