Barking is inevitably part of having a dog. It’s normal behavior in which dogs try to communicate with us and other animals.
And while it is unrealistic to expect your dog to be quiet at all times, excessive barking is a big problem.
If you find that the frequency or duration of your dog’s barking has become unreasonable, the cause of the barking will have to be identified and addressed for the barking to stop.
Typically, if a stimulus is strong enough to make your dog bark a little, it is powerful enough to make him bark a lot.
From there the barking can quickly escalate to long periods of excessive or even continuous barking if not stopped.
So, to make things short, do dogs just stop barking at some point?
Dogs do not get tired of barking and until the cause for barking is eliminated or your dog is trained not to, the barking will continue.
Dogs can bark for a multitude of reasons, and sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint the cause of your dog’s behavior.

Barks and yips of excitement are often paired with spinning in circles or the tapping of feet.
Directed barking can be a sign that your dog is seeking attention or food from you.
Many dogs do not get adequate physical or mental stimulation, and barking simply alleviates their boredom.
Dogs frequently bark to defend their territory or as a reaction to fear.
Another common reason for dogs to bark is that they are surprised; perhaps by an accidental pinch, or maybe a stranger at the door.
Do Dogs Outgrow Barking?
Unfortunately, dogs do not outgrow barking. The contrary can be the case if barking is positively reinforced and, as they age, their barking usually gets worse.
Barking, while normal and at times, appropriate, should not be tolerated when performed excessively or unnecessarily.
Excessive barking is unwanted behavior that should be nipped in the bud as soon as it begins, usually in puppyhood.
The situation can be furthered complicated if your dog is barking for attention or treats and you try to appease him.
In doing so, you are accidentally teaching your dog that barking works and will get him what he wants.
Although dogs do not outgrow barking, they can be trained out of barking.
Is it Best to Ignore a Barking Dog?
Ignoring your dog can be either the best or worst thing you can do when they are barking.
If your dog is barking to get your attention, any attention you give them, even if it is to scold him for barking, is considered a success in his mind.
Instead of giving in to the barking for attention, you should try your best to completely ignore him until he is quiet.
Only when your dog is completely quiet for 2-3 seconds should you praise him and give him your attention.
Over time, the amount of time your dog remains quiet should increase before you give him attention.
The opposite situation is one in which your dog is barking at something genuine like another dog, a knock on the door, or an alarm.
In this situation, provided your dog is not barking for attention, the best thing you can do is teach him to be quiet using the “quiet” command.

This involves making or allowing your dog to bark, and then quieting him down, eventually using commands like “speak” and “quiet.”
You will need to be consistent, and although this will take a lot of practice, it is well worth your trouble.
It is important to remember that regardless of the reason your dog is barking, he is trying to communicate with you.
Maybe your puppy desperately needs to use the bathroom outside and is trying to tell you.
Or maybe there is a stranger at the door and your dog is trying to alert you.
These are times when you should do a little investigating to fully understand the reason why your dog is barking and the best way for you to react.
Can a Dog Hurt Himself Barking?
Although this is an issue that many people fail to think of, excessive barking can seriously injure your dog.
If your dog’s barking goes uncontrolled, over time their voice box or larynx can become inflamed or even permanently damaged.
This inflammation, called Laryngitis, can have several symptoms, including hoarseness, coughing, and even difficulty breathing and swallowing.
The inflammation might have to be treated with steroids, anti-inflammatory medication, and cough suppressants.
As difficult as it sounds, it is important that your dog remains calm and does not bark during his recuperation period.
Reducing any stimulus which may cause barking, as well as ensuring your dog takes all necessary medications is crucial to proper healing.
How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally?
The increased urbanization in the last hundred years combined with the ever-growing number of dog owners makes noisy dogs a common issue.
Typically, the dogs in question are left alone during the day, causing them to bark due to boredom or loneliness.
Although it’s unintended, this barking can easily disturb next-door neighbors, especially in apartment complexes or other situations where people live in close-quarters.
Although some barking is easy to forgive and forget, excessive barking can make simple neighborly relationships tense and even push things to the breaking point.
This can be extremely difficult to handle due to the lack of specific laws or guidelines on how long a dog can bark ‘legally.’
ABC News explains that many ordinances against barking dogs allow only ten consecutive minutes during the day and five at night before a written warning is issued.
If the barking is not stopped within five days, the owner might face increasingly expensive fines for each offense.
Thankfully, even if you don’t live in such an area, there are some actions you can take to stop or prevent a neighbor’s dog from barking excessively.
The first and least serious is a complaint through the management of the housing complex you live in, requiring the landlord or manager of the property to speak to the dog’s owners.
If you have the barking well-documented or recorded, it may be helpful to also contact the police and or animal control, who can give a warning or citation to your neighbor.
As a more drastic measure, if you feel the ongoing barking has negatively affected your life, you can file a claim with a small claims court.
Please think long and hard about your neighbor’s circumstances and how their life, as well as the life of their pet, will be affected if you take these extreme measures.
What Constitutes as “Excessive” Barking?
According to the Dog and Cat Management Act of 1995, excessive barking is “when a dog creates a noise, by barking or otherwise, which persistently occurs or continues to such a degree or extent that it unreasonably interferes with the peace, comfort, or convenience of a person.”
This description is vague enough to include an enormous variety of circumstances, minor and major.
Each case will be unique, require immense consideration before action, and a person’s genuine judgment of the situation at hand.
What To Do If Your Neighbor’s Dog Won’t Stop Barking
If you find that your neighbor’s dog won’t stop barking, there are a few things you can do that may help.
The first and most obvious thing to do is to talk to your neighbor about the barking.

If your neighbor works during the day, they may not even realize there is a problem.
Or, maybe they already know about the barking and have enlisted the help of a local dog trainer.
Although it may be tempting to simply leave them a note or a brief text, interactions like this are best done face-to-face.
You mustn’t make assumptions or accusations but communicate clearly and politely about the barking.
If your neighbor is open to suggestions, the second thing you can do is propose some helpful ideas.
Seeing as you are witness to at least some of barking, it’s possible that you may be able to provide some insight as to the dog’s reason for barking.
If the owner is away from the home for long hours, perhaps a doggy daycare or dog walker would provide stimulation and prevent loneliness.
A dog who suffers from separation anxiety can greatly benefit from crate-training, where they gain a safe and comfortable space of their own.
If it seems that the dog is simply bored, treat puzzles, or a kong filled with edible stuffing and frozen can curb boredom through mental stimulation.
Training Is The Long-Term Solution
As mentioned in the above paragraph, training your dog not to bark is the only real solution.
Understanding the real reason your dog is barking in the first place is the foremost step in being able to train your pup.
Getting your attention is one of the most common reasons for a dog to bark (some Huskies use howling as their tool).
Be sure not to train them to bark by giving them attention every time they vocalize, but instead ignore them until they are quiet.
Additionally, your pup should be taught the commands “quiet” and “speak” to better control their behavior.
An important factor in training a dog, especially a puppy, not to bark is limiting or eliminating things that encourage barking.
Do not allow them to be too bored, or lonely, as those are strong stimuli that cause barking.
They should also get plenty of physical and mental exercise, since generally speaking, a tired dog is a good and quiet dog.
Remember that new puppies often bark because they are anxious or afraid to be alone, so keeping their crate near your bed and checking on him frequently will help them adjust.