When you’re looking for a dog name, it can sometimes be difficult to find one that suits your pup.
Lucky you! This list only contains awesome dog names that start with the letter M so you’ll have plenty of options!
Why is choosing your dog’s name important?
This list of amazing names should have something for everyone. Here are some helpful tips when choosing a new pet’s name:
- Pick a unique and short name that is easy to say
- Choose a name that fits your dog’s breed (or doesn’t)
- Consider the personality traits of your pup
Why should you choose a name that starts with M?
Personally, I just really like the names that start with M and there are plenty of great choices.
My Rottweiler pup was already named Amalia by her breeder but if she wasn’t I probably would’ve chosen one of the names on this list.
Female Dog Names That Start With M
- Mabel
- Mabey
- Mabyn
- Macaroni
- Macarthur
- Macbeth
- Macey
- Maci
- Macia
- Mackenzie
- Mackerle
- Macy
- Mad
- Madden
- Maddie
- Maddy
- Madeline
- Madison
- Madlyn
- Madonna
- Madoona
- Mae
- Maeby
- Magaly
- Magdalena
- Magdolna
- Maggie
- Maggie Mae
- Magi
- Magna
- Magnolia
- Magpie
- Mahisa
- Mahogany
- Mai Tai
- Maica
- Maidie
- Mairi
- Mairona
- Maisie
- Maisy
- Maita
- Makayla
- Malia
- Malibu
- Malina
- Mallory
- Malomo
- Mama
- Mamacita
- Mamba
- Mamie
- Manaba
- Mancey
- Mandisa
- Mandy
- Mangena
- Mango
- Mara
- Marabel
- Marble
- Marca
- Marceline
- Marcena
- March
- Marcia
- Marcianna
- Marciannna
- Marcilyn
- Mardy
- Mare
- Mareta
- Marga
- Margaret
- Marge
- Margherita
- Margo
- Margot
- Mari
- Maria
- Mariah
- Marian
- Marianna
- Maribelle
- Mariela
- Marigold
- Marija
- Marilee
- Marilyn
- Marina
- Marla
- Marley
- Marna
- Marshmallow
- Martha
- Marthena
- Martini
- Mary Jane
- Marya

- Marylou
- Marzalie
- Marzipan
- Masella
- Maska
- Matelda
- Matilda
- Matisse
- Mattie
- Maude
- Maureen
- Mausi
- Mavis
- Maxima
- Maxine
- Maya
- Mazie
- Mckenna
- Meadow
- Meesha
- Meg
- Megan
- Mei
- Mel
- Melany
- Melina
- Melly
- Melody
- Melrose
- Mercedes
- Mercia
- Mercy
- Meredith
- Merida
- Merry
- Mia
- Miami
- Midas
- Mika
- Mila
- Miley
- Milk
- Milkshake
- Millie
- Mimi
- Minaj
- Mindy
- Minerva
- Minnie
- Minx
- Mira
- Miri
- Miriam
- Misha
- Mishka
- Miska
- Miss Agnes
- Miss Beazley
- Miss Havisham
- Missile
- Missy
- Misty
- Mitsy
- Mitzi
- Mj
- Moana
- Mocha
- Mochi
- Molle
- Mollie
- Molly
- Momo
- Mona
- Monia
- Monica
- Monkey
- Monroe
- Moo
- MooMoo
- Moon
- Moonie
- Moonlight
- Mopsy
- Mother Teresa
- Mouse
- Mozzie
- Muffin
- Munchkin
- Muneca
- Munja
- Muppet
- Murphy
- Muttilda
- Myka
- Myrtle
- Mystery
- Mystic
- Mystique

Male Dog Names That Start With M
- Mac
- Macbeth
- Machete
- Macho
- Macintosh
- Mack
- Macro
- Macroon
- Mad Max
- Maddox
- Maduro
- Maestro
- Mafia
- Mafioso
- Magic
- Magma
- Magnet
- Magnum
- Magnus
- Mailer
- Mailman
- Mairwen
- Major
- Makani
- Mako
- Malcolm
- Malfoy
- Mallard
- Malone
- Malted
- Malteno
- Mambo
- Manaba
- Manco
- Mandek
- Mando
- Mandrake
- Manet
- Manfred
- Maniac
- Manley
- Manners
- Mannus
- Manny
- Mano
- Manolo
- Mansel
- Mantra
- Manuel
- Marashino
- Marathon
- Marc
- Marcel
- Marcello
- Marco
- Marcos
- Marenzo
- Marico
- Marik
- Marine
- Marino
- Mario
- Marjorie
- Marker
- Marks
- Marlee
- Marley
- Marlo
- Marlow
- Marlowe
- Marly
- Marmaduke
- Maro
- Mars
- Marsail
- Marshal
- Marshall
- Mart
- Martin
- Martus
- Marty
- Marvel
- Marwan
- Marx
- Marze
- Marzipan
- Masko
- Mason
- Master
- Matador
- Matchmaker
- Matchstick
- Mate
- Mateo
- Mathers
- Matisse
- Matlock
- Matthew
- Matzoh
- Maud
- Maui

- Maurice
- Maury
- Maverick
- Mavies
- Mavis
- Max
- Maxim
- Maximillion
- Maximus
- Maxon
- Maxus
- Maxwell
- McAllister
- McCloud
- McFly
- McGraw
- McGruff
- McKinley
- McQueen
- Meatball
- Meda
- Meeko
- Melo
- Melvin
- Memphis
- Mendel
- Merle
- Merlin
- Messer
- Messy
- Mezzo
- Micah
- Mick
- Midas
- Mike
- Mikey
- Milano
- Miles
- Milky Way
- Miller
- Milo
- Milou
- Milson
- Milton
- Mingo
- Mint
- Miran
- Mischief
- Misha
- Misko
- Mister
- Mitch
- Mitso
- Mittens
- Mo
- Mo-jo
- Moby
- Mohawk
- Mojito
- Moki
- Monet
- Monk
- Monrow
- Monster
- Monte
- Montego
- Montgomery
- Monty
- Mookie
- Moon
- Moose
- Morgan
- Moriarty
- Morocco
- Morpheus
- Morrocan
- Morton
- Moses
- Moss
- Motor
- Mountain
- Mowgli
- Mozart
- Mufasa
- Mugsy
- Mumbles
- Munchkin
- Mundy
- Murray
- Muse
- Musket
- Mustang
- Mutt
- Myles
- Mylo
- Myzel
Let me know if you have any questions or if you have suggestions for great dog names that start with M.
Disclaimer: This blog post does not substitute veterinary attention and does not intend to do so. I am not a veterinarian or pet nutritionist. If your dog shows any sign of illness, call your vet.