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What Dog Breeders Do

With Dead Puppies


Stillborn puppies and death in puppies shortly after birth is not uncommon in dogs. About 8 % of puppies are born dead or die a week after.

There are a lot of things to consider when you end up dealing with one or even a whole litter of dead puppies. It’s a difficult time for the mother as well and you may ask yourself what breeders really do with them.

But first let's talk about why puppies may die in the first place. Common causes include: nutritional deficiencies, medications, infections, congenital defects and dystocia (difficult labor).

Causes for dead puppies

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It's important to let the mother spend time with her dead puppy, cleaning the area thoroughly using disposable gloves to present the puppy to the vet to determine the cause of death.

The process of decomposition begins almost immediately after death. So the dead puppy will be put inside a freezer bag that can be sealed. Find out what happens after that:

Dashed Trail

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