Never Cut Your Dog's Whiskers

Depending on your dog's breed and coat type, grooming might be a weekly topic that includes brushing, combing, and trimming fur or nails.



But what about the prominent wiry hairs that surround your dog's face? Vibrissae (whiskers) typically grow around the muzzle, the cheeks, the chin and on both corners of the eyebrows.

The Purpose of dog Whiskers

For cats as well as dogs, whiskers work like a sixth sense that they can use to learn more about their surroundings. Additionally, they act as protection for the eye just like human eyelashes.

Your dog went to visit the groomer and when picking him up you notice that his whiskers are shorter than before. In general, dogs never need their whiskers to be shaved, trimmed or cut and it's more of an aesthetic choice to achieve the "clean" look.

Should you trim them?

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Show dogs

Dogs that attend dog shows are commonly known to have trimmed whiskers.

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