What Is the Lycan Shepherd?

The Lycan Shepherd is a new hybrid dog created from German Shepherd working lines and Blue Bay Shepherds with the long-term goal of introducing other hybrid and northern dog breeds.

The Lycan Shepherd is an attempt to get the German Shepherd’s working drive and trainability while retaining the wolfish appearance and brain-to-body ratio that has been achieved through the Blue Bay Shepherd.

Why does it exist?

Lined Circle


Lycan Shepherd puppies can cost anywhere from $3,000-$5,000.

Temperament and size are hard to pin down due to the limited supply and confusion due to some people falsely claiming to have an American Blue Bay Shepherd.

Where to get one

The breeder stated that he informs potential buyers through Youtube if the time of seeking homes for the pups has come. The channel is called 1st508th Airborne .

Dashed Trail

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