Lined Circle

Is It Safe Your Board

Your Dog in a Kennel?

Boarding your dog is probably the first solution that comes to your mind when thinking about a temporary stay for your dog while traveling.

Kennel Stress

Without proper preparation, your dog might experience kennel stress. Ask the staff to evaluate your dog's body language and overall mood during the first days.

Choose a boarding kennel

If possible, the kennel should be part of the American Boarding Kennels Association and they should have a form of license that certifies high pet care standards.


The cost of boarding your dog for a week is usually around $150 to $200. Boarding can cost anywhere from $30 to $80 for a full day.


You will want to get your dog accustomed to this new environment. If possible, schedule a day and an overnight stay in your chosen boarding facility. Start with only a few hours and slowly increase the duration to a weekend stay.

boarding preparations

Lined Circle
Dashed Trail

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