Building a Whelping Box

Whelping a litter of puppies at home may seem intimidating, but with the right supplies and some time to spare, you can have your own whelping box built in no time.

Although whelping boxes can be created in a variety of methods using all sorts of materials, what truly makes a whelping box is the quality of the material and its functionality for both mother and pups.

The appropriate size of your whelping box is based on the size of the dam; the length of her body plus one foot should be squared for a properly sized box.

How big should it be?

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While each breeder will have unique preferences; linens, wood shavings, and even sand are all popular bedding options.

Tip 1

There are 4 different ways to make a whelping box out of wood, PVC, kiddie pool and cardboard. Each comes with video instructions and they are super easy to make. Click below to view them.

Dashed Trail

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